Troubling News From the Shit-Stirring Department

Source: Persuasion
by Shalom Auslander

“Thanks to your continued efforts and relentless negativity, any disagreements Americans have on issues large and small have been magnified into nearly insoluble problems. Together we have done an admirable job of convincing everyone that our differences are so vast as to be unbridgeable, and therefore any attempt to find consensus is futile and foolish. Most importantly, due to your hard work and dedication, consumption of media is at an all-time high, with hope itself at a long-time low. … People are terrified, angry, isolating themselves, doomscrolling, becoming paranoid and making everyone they know paranoid by sharing the videos, clips, headlines and polls that we here at the Shit-Stirring Department tirelessly emphasize. But now for some troubling news. It appears that despite our best efforts, some national polls suggest that Americans are in agreement about many issues.” (08/30/24)