Joe Lived the Dream, While We Lived the Nightmare

Source: Town Hall
by DW Wilber

“As Joe Biden’s time in office is rapidly winding down, perhaps it’s appropriate that we take a look at what these past few years under the Biden-Harris administration have brought to us as a nation. An ‘After Action Report’ on the effectiveness of this administration in meeting the needs of the American people. Joe Biden has indeed been living large these last three and a half years. He’s been enjoying all the trappings of office at taxpayer expense. Residing in the White House, enjoying the 24/7 Secret Service protection for himself and his family, the use of Air Force One to jet around the world, fawning Hollywood celebrities at he and his wife’s beck and call, along with the pomp and ceremony wherever he goes to conduct official business — supposedly on behalf of the American people.” (08/28/24)