You Don’t Get To Vote On Any Of Your Government’s Most Consequential Actions

Source: Caitlin Johnstone, Rogue Journalist
by Caitlin Johnstone

“You’ll often hear Democrats calling people ‘privileged’ if they talk about voting third party, or if they say it doesn’t matter whether Donald Trump or Kamala Harris wins the election in November. The idea is that if you’re not doing everything you can to make sure the Democrat wins, it must be because you are white and wealthy and coddled enough to be unconcerned about Donald Trump getting in and implementing racist and discriminatory policies. This narrative is false. Nonvoters in the United States are statistically much more likely to be poor and nonwhite, because those groups tend to see both mainstream political factions as more or less equally worthless at helping to improve the condition of their lives.” (08/28/24)