Calling for “Unity” Is Just an Appeal to Power

Source: The Dispatch
by Jonah Goldberg

“The single most abused, misused, and misunderstood word in American politics is ‘unity.’ All presidential candidates vow to unite Americans. Nearly every pundit and public intellectual laments the lack of unity. ‘When America is united, America is totally unstoppable,’ Donald Trump declared in his inaugural address. ‘With unity, we can do great things. Important things,’ insisted Joe Biden in his. Kamala Harris proclaimed in her acceptance speech at the Democratic convention that ‘in unity, there is strength.’ Such statements get to the first problem with the cult of unity: It’s an appeal to power. There is strength in unity, sure, but strength is an entirely amoral concept. Strength to do what? Lynch mobs are unified, which is why they are terrifying. … I’m not saying unity is necessarily bad, but its goodness depends entirely on what you do with it.” (08/28/24)