A Note From The Publisher

Hey, everyone …

I’m writing this at about 6pm Eastern time on Thursday, September 26.

The bad news is that my area is definitely starting to feel the leading edge of Hurricane Helene’s winds — while the general wind speed is below 10 mph, we’re getting gusts of much higher speeds. I expect to lose electricity and Internet later tonight, for some unknown period of time.

The good news is that we’ve already got MOST of a normal Friday daily edition edition published or scheduled. It will be web-only and not have the very latest stuff from after the outages begin. It may be a LITTLE short of 20 news stories and 30 opinion pieces (we’ve already found 10 audio/video links, though). But it is and/or will be THERE for your enjoyment.

I’ll continue entering content until the lights go out. If you’re in the storm’s path, be safe … as for everyone else, have a great weekend!

Yours in liberty,
Tom Knapp
Rational Review News Digest / Freedom News Daily